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Lee Zhi Qun

- Asst. Prof. Yuan Chao (Dr.)


The cycling rate has been low in Singapore, despite the many benefits that cycling brings. However, encouraging and implementing cycling has not been easy, with many challenges to address. New policies and strategies have aimed to encourage cycling for short trips such as the 20-Minutes town in the Land Transport Authority (LTA) Land Transport Master Plan 2040 (LTMP 2040), but the opportunities for longer cycling journeys have not been explored.

Encouraging and improving the cycling experience relies on a system of parts that are dependent on one another across multiple scales. Architecture in itself will not be holistic and effective to achieve this goal. From the individual level to the national scale, each element plays an important role in the cycling network. The objective of this thesis is then to investigate the fundamental reasons for low cycling rates that influence one’s choice of cycling.

Traveling time is one of the main deciding factors that influence one’s choice of cycling. This thesis aims to bridge the long travel time and distances that cyclists have to take by the implementation and integration of the bicycle-buses into the existing transport network. Through a series of multi-scale strategies, the thesis proposes a concept outline to promote cycling as an alternative transport mode, by allowing for a more viable and convenient traveling method for cyclists. It is by no means to replace existing motor vehicles or public transportation, but rather to complement and serve alongside other modes of transportation to create a more sustainable future.

The outline processes to achieving this goal can be referenced and serve as guidance to prototype and eventually develop cycling nodes that support the multi-scale approach to improving the cycling experience in Singapore.

Supervisor's comments:

Cycling can be a useful mode of transport to achieve net zero carbon emission. It is more environmental friendly than electric vehicles, which need to use batteries. The nature of cycling also provides beneficial effects to our well-being by promoting exercise and improving our mental health. But given the existing traffic system in Singapore, cycling is not easy in city to most citizens. A research based on the current land use planning and the needs from society is conducted in this project. It is amazing to see that systematic solutions ranging from a requirement-based classification at the urban scale to a cycling community design are being provided. The cycling community design allows us to see inspiration, engagement, and connection with space.

- Asst. Prof. Yuan Chao (Dr.)
Lee Zhi Qun

Make a positive impact to people… Its not just about looking and sounding good…