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Urban Food Corridor

Michael Tang

- Assoc. Prof. Shinya Okuda

Global Food Crisis 

With the exponentially increasing global population, together with unsustainable farming practices and the onset of the recent Covid-19, the world faces an uncertain future towards global food security. An import reliant country such as Singapore will have its food resources greatly affected should there be a shortage in Global Food supply.


Design Strategies

Urban Food Corridor aims to create a Collaborative effort towards independence in Singapore’s food supply, through altering Singaporean’s perception towards value of food by ramping up production and involving the community to form a cohesive food production scene. As a result, 100% of fresh fish and vegetables will be supported and produced by the Urban Food Corridor.


Urban Food Corridor 

Located in Ang Mo Kio (AMK), the Urban Food Corridor comprises of the North-South Urban Food Corridor, which aims to create a robust food production scene, and the East West Urban Food Corridor, designed to engage the community through food production. This network of Food production will be supported by the Fulflment Centre, where fresh food will be stored as a symbol of Food Security for residents in AMK. The distribution of Urban Food Corridor on AMK also enables an unbiased distance to obtaining food, where residents can obtain food in as little as 10 minutes.


Food independence 

The entire process of how food is produced, stored, and distributed is visible to residents in AMK as it becomes part of their everyday life. By raising awareness of food production in AMK, residents will have more confidence in their Food Security and hence appreciates the value and importance of a food independent estate. AMK would be transformed into a more resilient estate, one that is ready to take on a Global Food Crisis.


Supervisor's comments:

Michael Tang’s thesis addresses one of the most emerging issues under the COVID-19 circuit breakers: food self-sufficiency in Singapore. In response to our land scarcity, he envisages Urban Food Corridor, aiming to sublime the food production and supply chains into urban community spaces. He conducts commendable research on food production and supply chains in nation- and district-wide scales, albeit its full prospects of the community involvement are yet to be revealed. Given his personal traits and character, I strongly believe that Michael will work well in team; he is self-motivated, emotionally stable and responsible, capable to develop designs independently.

- Assoc. Prof. Shinya Okuda
Michael Tang

In order to convince others, you have to first convince yourself.