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Sin ! Paradis Town: manipulating the edge of morality

Yi Da Ng

- Adj. Assoc. Prof. Khoo Peng Beng


‘Sin! Paradis Town’ is a perennial debate between a good hell and a fake paradise – a moral critique against the hypocrisy of the penal system in today’s society. The project serves as a commentary on man’s present-day ignorance and negligence in the contentious conundrum towards moral relativism. Anything can be morally right if you are able to justify for it.

“Society does not believe there is an Austen-referent for meaning. There is a lost in impact of meaning and the society is unable to relativized truth as there is no anchor point for it. Society begins to create own reference point and adopt personal moral autonomy.” – Ravi Zaharias



The thesis suggests the key to manipulate morality is through the sculpting of spatial boundaries, an architecture exploration on the permeability of one’s moral boundary. In Singapore, a city that pride itself with high moral values, architectural approaches that can manipulate meaning of immorality by alternating the sense of morality and legality (akin to the Integrated Resort Casinos) is conceived.

The thesis proposes a manifestation of the two dimensions of morality as two towns that intertwine: The Paradis Town (colored) and Singapore Town (black). Set amidst the heart of the new Highspeed Rail Terminus in Jurong Town District, a new master planning typology designed with vice spaces in mind combines the deteriorating and dying nature of the Jurong district, and the expanded spatial containment of vices from Paradis Town.



Two Towns: Jurong and Paradis inevitability becomes architectural forms of moral tension as one compromises ethnic values for further economic progression from the vices . Is there, in the end , a right or wrong answer to morality ?

Supervisor's comments:

- Adj. Assoc. Prof. Khoo Peng Beng
Yi Da Ng

Promise yourself that you will never be like others and your satisfaction will derive from within, rather than from external sources of validation.