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From The Vulnerable to Resilient Makers

Yong Ming Jie

- Senior Lecturer Zhang Ye (Dr.)


The thesis aims to discuss and elaborate on the topic of social stratification, by looking at the vulnerable living in poverty. Also, to tap on the potential findings and resources of waste as source of empowerment to mitigate social stratification, by addressing the gaps and opportunities of the vulnerable with the larger community.  Maker’s culture and micro jobs are introduced as strategic implementation to enhance and facilitate the value of the system. 



The thesis is curated as a narrative taking on the lens of architecture as social enabler. As we begin to take on the social perspective of architecture and its empowering ability as an enabler, the narrative flourish with its intended agenda. The narrative illustrates the ‘system’ of the design in three phases. The thesis will focus on the first two phases, while the last phase will be left open for interpretation and expansion as the value of the system is inherited. 




The state will kickstart the agenda to mitigate social stratification and waste management crisis. Tapping on the thriving maker’s culture and micro jobs for meaningful social engagement between the vulnerable and community at large.  Bukit Merah district is selected as the testbed for demostration due to its social inequality and poverty rate.  Eight interstitial sites take on the respective interventions to create awareness and engage the larger community. In this process, creating social exchange between the vulnerable and community, and the value of the system continues to expand. . .

Supervisor's comments:

Taking an unconventional way of inquiry, Ming Jie’s thesis provides a highly provocative account that impels us to seriously re-think what kind role that architecture could and should play to empower the marginalised and enhance social equality. It also encourages us to pull down the often biased and ill-defined disciplinary and professional boundary of architecture, and critically re-examine its interaction and integration with other fields. This reflective power is solidly built on his concrete ground research as well as his innovation of bringing together the making culture, the vulnerable, and the waste.

- Senior Lecturer Zhang Ye (Dr.)
Yong Ming Jie